wet chemistry

Our new website is now live!

Bringing our online presence right up-to-date, our brand new website covers everything you need to know about the services we offer, as well as our history and facilities on site here at Baldhu, Cornwall. And of course, we will bring you the latest updates from our laboratory here on the News pages.

You can contact us on 01872 562023 to discuss your needs with our laboratory manager.

Últimas noticias

The Last Cornish Tin Smelter?

Category: Sin categorizar
Wheal Jane laboratory has, in recent years, been heavily associated with lithium analysis and exploration both locally and internationally, and continues to expand into other new sectors of the analytical market.

Ejemplo de título de artículo

Category: Sin categorizar
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Noticias título 3

Category: Sin categorizar
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut

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También parte de la Wheal Jane Group:
Wheal Jane Group Wheal Jane Consultancy Wheal Jane Limited
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